Cand spun "cascaval", nu fac referire la binecunoscutul sens figurativ, ci exact la sensul lui propriu de... branza.
Zilele trecute am dezvoltat, impreuna cu cel mai bun prieten al meu, o adevarata "filosofie a Svaiterului" :) Ca sa pot prezenta "ingenioasa" noastra deductie, trebuie mai intai sa fiu sigura ca toata lumea este in clar cu ce inseamna Svaiter.
Asadar, DEX-ul spune: ȘVÁIȚER s.n. Varietatea de brânză fină, asemănătoare cu cașcavalul, prezentând goluri mari în masa ei. – Din germ. Schweizer[käse].
Deci, ne-an inteles! Svaiterul are goluri. Si acum deductia noastra:
O cantitate mica de svaiter contine un numar mic de gauri, pe cand o cantitate mai mare de svaiter, contine un numar mai mare de gauri. Concluzie: bucatelele mici contin mai mult svaiter. :))
Parca eram Sherlock Holmes si Watson in varianta de... criza :))
The Philosophy of ...Cheese
When I say „Cheese”, I am not refering to the well-known figurative sense of it, but to the exact meaning of the word.... cheese.
A few days ago, together with my best friend, we developed a true „philosophy of Schweizer” :)
In order to tell you our „ingenious” deduction, I have to make sure that everyone knows what Schwaiter means. So, The Dictionary says that Schweizer is a fine variety of cheese with holes in it.
We’re clear, aren’t we? The Schweizer has holes in it. And now our deduction:
A small quantity of schweizer contains a small number of holes and in the meantime, a big quantity of schweizer contains a bigger number of holes. Conclusion: small pieces contain more schweizer. :)
We felt like Sherlock and Watson in the time of... crises :)